Ground Breaking Techniques

What is Q-DiP
In recent years, discoveries of ground states beyond the Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm in correlated materials has been remarkable. These new modalities challenge our views of the possible behavior of electrons in solids, and yet remain largely hidden from modern experimental approaches. For instance, the electronic nematic order parameter is a rank-2 operator and to a linear order it does not couple to the majority of conventional probes such as neutrons, photons or NMR. Thus, the big and largely unexplored question is how to detect the Goldstone modes associated with quantum nematicity, entangled states, or fractional charged quasi-particles characteristic of a topological order? Purposely built to respond to this grand challenge, Q-DiP (Quantum phenomena Discovery Platform) is the next-generation multi-modal probe that integrates a laser MBE with a state-of-the-art six-axis cryo- manipulator operating down to 5.6K, UV-ARPES with an ultra-bright VUV5k source, angular-resolved high-resolution EELS (AREELS), and medium energy EELS/Auger (MEELS) spectrometers (see Fig.2). 1 To the best of our knowledge, this probe is unique in the US and is a breakthrough instrumental advance. To illustrate this, Q-DiP has an unprecedented spectral agility that spans from Thz to hard X-rays (3 keV) and temporal agility to acquire time-dependent response on the femto-seconds scale via the causality principle enforcement. At the low-energy regime it has instrumental energy resolution of ≤1 meV and momentum resolution of ∼0.05 Å−1. Unlike photonic probes, Q-DiP can precisely map the dispersion of collective modes over a very large Brillouin zone with exquisite surface sensitivity to topological edge states that can match STM. Finally, the breakdown of dipole selection rules by inelastically scattered electrons opens unique access to the discovery of more exotic topological modes, e.g., in quantum nematic phases, with a large cross-section inaccessible to majority of optics probes. We will use AREELS to deliver global space and time correlation maps for charge- and composite-boson excitations such as chiral spin-plasmons and topological magnons.
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136 Frelinghuysen Rd,Piscataway, NJ 08854
United States of America